GP1 - Display Commands
This page is mostly intended as encoding reference - for more information about behaviour consult psx-spx.
Commands have an opcode defined in bits 24..30 of the first packet:
Opcode | Name | Alias |
0x00 | Reset GPU | GP1(00) |
0x01 | Reset Command Buffer | GP1(01) |
0x02 | Acknowledge GPU Interrupt | GP1(02) |
0x03 | Display Enable/Disable | GP1(03) |
0x04 | DMA Direction | GP1(04) |
0x05 | Display Area Start | GP1(05) |
0x06 | Horizontal Display Range | GP1(06) |
0x07 | Vertical Display Range | GP1(07) |
0x08 | Display Mode | GP1(08) |
0x09 | Set VRAM Size (v2) | GP1(09) |
0x0A..=0x0F | Unknown | GP1(0A)..=GP1(0F) |
0x10 | Read GPU Register | GP1(10) |
0x11..=0x1F | Mirrors of GP1(10) | GP1(11)..=GP1(1F) |
0x20 | Set VRAM Size (v1) | GP1(11)..=GP1(1F) |
0x21..=0x3F | Unknown | GP1(21)..=GP1(3F) |
None of the display commands require extra packets.